Monday, April 22, 2013

Scavenger hunt

I did not have much time with my camera this week. But I think I did manage to get enough to post for the scavenger hunt. 

1. Happiness

Happiness to me is being at the beach, watching and listening to the waves. 

2. Spring in black and white 

It was kind of funny to think of spring in black and white, as it is so full of color. But I tried. 

3. Family or faith 

I did not have a picture for this one, but wanted to share that has been set up to help those injured in the Boston Marathon bombings. I have faith that, with support, there will be recovery. 

4. Fuzzy 

My local garden/landscaping business had these little guys for sale! I saw them the other day but didn't have my camera with me. So I went back in today and snapped a couple quickly. I felt so awkward but it helped me get out of my comfort zone. And I thought they were perfect for fuzzy! 

5. Gathering or provide

I like providing food for the birds. They're so fun to watch! I have been trying to capture the cardinals that come by, but they only visit briefly. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Whew! Looks like we both just barely made it to the hunt! :D

    Love that last one. I've always liked birdfeeders and hope to have one in my backyard. You know, soon as the hubby's done landscaping and all year, maybe? LOL

  2. That's a great bird feeder! The chick is so cute and fuzzy. The beach makes me happy too! Great captures this week!

  3. Happiness would be standing on the beach!

  4. Happiness is lovely, I would so enjoy being there.
    Fuzzy was really cute and so was the Provide shot of your bird feeder. I enjoy feeding birds and squirrels.
