This week I continued using my new camera and practicing photography through these scavenger hunts. It really pushes me to take pictures of things I wouldn't normally, which makes me more creative and confident. I am quickly realizing how annoying bright sun can be in photography, causing so many shadows!
1. Outside
We were outside a lot this weekend, raking old leaves, picking up fallen branches, and building a compost bin, which we used this shovel for.
2. Chatterbox
Clearly, these angsty taggers have a lot to say!
3. Comfort
Mac 'n Cheese, need I say more?
4. In the kitchen
I really like this one, and it just goes to show you can't always be sure what shots are going to come out better or worse than you thought.
5. Trees
We had a lot of fallen trees from the blizzard and started cutting them up for summertime campfires. Can't wait!
I got a few other great shots just by doing this scavenger hunt. I've decided to add an honorable mention section. Haha. Like I said I'm learning a lot about lighting and hope to get better at navigating it in my photos.
Thanks for reading!!